Vera Baird DBE KC

Writer, Lecturer, Parliamentary Consultant and Co-Director of Astraea: Gender Justice

Tag: Police & Crime Commissioner

  • Vera Baird is backing Wear Red Day

    Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird QC, and Chief Constable Steve Ashman, will be wearing something red this Friday (21, October) to support educational charity Show Racism the Red Card (SRtRC) as it marks its 20th anniversary of standing up to racism. They will be joined by officers and staff who will be backing…

  • The Tories are letting domestic abuse victims down. Read more here –

    The Attorney General shouldn\’t preen himself in the press for his recent success in lengthening too short jail sentences for robbers and burglars (Times & Telegraph both 24.8.16) Instead he should tackle the unduly lenient sentences handed out for domestic abuse – as the Tories’ election manifesto pretended they would. In a typical case at…

  • The Crack – North East Magazine, April 2016

    Delighted to feature in the April edition of “The Crack” magazine, in the article I talk about my achievements as Police & Crime Commissioner, my priorities and even what my favourite police tv programme is – get your copy today!

  • Vera Baird speaks of commitment to stamping out Modern Day Slavery

    Police arrest a man in connection with Modern Day Slavery in Blyth. The arrest follows an on-going investigation by the Blyth Neighbourhood Policing Team into reports of people working without payment and living in squalor in private accommodation in the town. On Tuesday, March 15, a 44-year-old man was arrested for assault and Modern Day…

  • David Cameron a man of many words and little action

    David Cameron has today said that prison reform has been a “scandalous failure” for years and has pledged  to make it the “great progressive cause” of politics.  Ironically, the Prime Minister has expressed the same concerns nearly a decade ago when in 2007 he said that prison reform was one of the key planks of…

  • PRESS RELEASE: Commissioner demands Government takes urgent action.

    Commissioner demands Government takes urgent action New Government powers to tackle anti-social behaviour must be supported with extra funding, Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Vera Baird has said. The Government has introduced five new powers which have come in to effect today, which the Government believe will enable the police, local authorities and others to…

  • Action Needed To Tackle True Cost Of Alcohol.

    As alcohol-related NHS admissions hit almost 10 million in England, Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Vera Baird has again called for action to be taken in stemming the consumption of alcohol. Already this year Mrs Baird, together with fellow north east Police and Crime Commissioners Ron Hogg from Durham and Cleveland’s Barry Coppinger, have written…

  • Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling MP: His actions don’t follow his words

    Today, Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling MP, has announced a package of measures about the  treatment of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice system.  Yet his own Victims Commissioner has doubts and Police & Crime Commissioner for Northumbria, Vera Baird remains skeptical about his commitment to deliver. Under Grayling’s proposals, he states victims will be…