Vera Baird DBE KC

Writer, Lecturer, Parliamentary Consultant and Co-Director of Astraea: Gender Justice

Tag: Northumbria

  • Brexit needs the best deal possible, not a no deal!

    As the dark nights start to draw in, I think the Prime Minister will be having many dark days – wondering how to control her rebels over Brexit. The government are making a monumental hash up of this process, it is stumbling from crisis to crisis and as they do this they are failing to…

  • Tory “Summer of Discontent” – We need change NOW!

    The sun has certainly been blazing down – in the world of politics you could be forgiven for thinking this is Theresa May’s “Summer of Discontent” – she lost Boris from the Foreign Office, she lost David from the Brexit Office, her great plan for Brexit that she drew up at Chequers is now nigh…

  • Why MP Chope was wrong…….

    As June comes to a close, we have seen the Tories losing control through the actions of Sir Christopher Chope MP – he shouted out the word “object” which stopped the bill to make upskirting a specific sexual offence under English law. His reason for stopping the bill, was that he wasn’t aware of the…

  • Emily Wilding Davison’s Birthday

    Emily Wilding Davison Emily Wilding Davison was born on 11th Oct 1872, she was one of the most famous suffragettes – she defied the odds many times, she stood up for what she believed in, even when women could not gain a degree from Oxford University, her result exam result was a first class honours.…

  • The Tories are letting domestic abuse victims down. Read more here –

    The Attorney General shouldn\’t preen himself in the press for his recent success in lengthening too short jail sentences for robbers and burglars (Times & Telegraph both 24.8.16) Instead he should tackle the unduly lenient sentences handed out for domestic abuse – as the Tories’ election manifesto pretended they would. In a typical case at…

  • PCC Vera Baird steps into the ring to praise the work of local sports group

    Special guest Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird, was welcomed to Dunston Teams Amateur Boxing Club to see first-hand the excellent work being undertaken by the voluntary sporting group. Since starting in 2012, the club now has 50 members and has become a hub for the local community – providing a place for young…

  • The Crack – North East Magazine, April 2016

    Delighted to feature in the April edition of “The Crack” magazine, in the article I talk about my achievements as Police & Crime Commissioner, my priorities and even what my favourite police tv programme is – get your copy today!


    A support team to help those affected by anti-social behaviour has been established in South Tyneside. South Tyneside Council in partnership with South Tyneside Homes have recruited a group of five volunteers to provide support to victims across the Borough. The Mayor of South Tyneside, Councillor Richard Porthouse, presented the volunteers with certificates to celebrate…

  • Vera Baird speaks of commitment to stamping out Modern Day Slavery

    Police arrest a man in connection with Modern Day Slavery in Blyth. The arrest follows an on-going investigation by the Blyth Neighbourhood Policing Team into reports of people working without payment and living in squalor in private accommodation in the town. On Tuesday, March 15, a 44-year-old man was arrested for assault and Modern Day…

  • “PAY UP” says Police & Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird QC.

    Northumbria’s Police & Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird has insisted that Conservative Chancellor, George Osborne must pay back over £1 million pound to Northumbria Police. Mr Osborne has been reprimanded by an official statistics watchdog – after he cut police funding for Northumbria despite promising not to. The Tories also used the council tax precept by…