Vera Baird DBE KC

Writer, Lecturer, Parliamentary Consultant and Co-Director of Astraea: Gender Justice

Northumbria’s Police & Crime Commissioner welcomes White Ribbon Day (25th November 2014)

Vera Baird QC, Northumbria’s Police & Crime Commissioner welcomes 2014 White Ribbon Day and calls on men across the North East to take a stand against domestic violence as part of International White Ribbon Day.

 White Ribbon Day is inspired by the White Ribbon Pledge lead by men who campaign to stop domestic violence against women.  They believe that men need to take a share of the responsibility of putting an end to domestic violence against women.

 Vera Baird hopes men across the region will support White Ribbon Day by wearing their ribbon.

 Mrs Baird said: “Wearing a white ribbon shows that men are saying loud and clear that they will never condone, take part in or remain silent about domestic abuse against women.  To stop domestic abuse and violence we all have to take a share of the responsibility in putting an end to it.\”

 Supporting White Ribbon Day is local Member of Parliament Nick Brown. Mr Brown said: “Everyone in public life should take a stand against domestic violence. Bullying is unacceptable. Victims should be able to approach the police confident that those in authority will take the issue seriously.”

 Mrs Baird added: “Quite simply domestic violence is unacceptable and we will continue to do everything within our powers to put an end to it”.  But we can only do this if we all work together – this includes, men, women, businesses and charities.\”

 Vera Baird has worked closely with Ron Hogg (PCC Durham) and Barry Coppinger (PCC Cleveland) to develop a North East regional strategy to ensure all victims can expect the same level of service from the police, no matter where they live. Next month the Commissioners will be marking one year of the regional strategy, looking at successes during 2014 and plans for the year ahead. 


Mrs Baird concluded: “I will continue to ensure that Northumbria Police and its partners do everything they can to tackle domestic violence.  The effects of domestic abuse affect many people – the victims, children, family members and even employers.  I hope that White Ribbon Day shows local people that they have a role to play in tackling domestic abuse.  Let’s no longer allow it to be the silent crime and give victims the voice to report it.”

Across the Northumbria Force region there are a number of services available to support victims. 


Vera Baird will be speaking at Gateshead’s White Ribbon Day event on Friday 28th November 2014 that is being hosted at Caedmon Hall, Gateshead Library, Prince Consort Road in Gateshead between 11am and 3pm.




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