Vera Baird DBE KC

Writer, Lecturer, Parliamentary Consultant and Co-Director of Astraea: Gender Justice

Category: SPEECHES

  • Feminism in London Conference

    Vera’s address to the seminar on: Feminism in violence against women policy The emergence of a feminist understanding, at first of the hidden crime of domestic violence, impacted hugely on policy on violence against women in the longer run. •    It was essentially the Refuge Movement that first counted the figures and demonstrated that DV…

  • Short speech at the Labour Women’s Summit – Labour Party Conference

    We have got to take our share of the responsibility for saying again and again that we have a deficit because of the international banking crisis which lead to a recession and not because Labour is economically incompetent. On the contrary the Labour Government showed the world the way out of recession. Even Cameron says…

  • The Rights of the Child – UNICEF London

    “There are two ways of making the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child enforceable in UK courts. The first way is to incorporate the Convention as a whole into our law and the second way is to implement what the Convention does in piecemeal legislation, eventually trying to cover all the areas…

  • “Homicide, Partial Defences and Gender Equality” – University of Hertfordshire

    Homicide is the most serious crime in the criminal calendar. It ranges from contract killing where there is a plain intention to execute, through manslaughter causing death by  gross negligence  or dangerous driving, the killing of an infant by the mother within 6 months of birth,  without mentioning  genocide, suicide pacts and mercy killing The…

  • Speech to Freshfield’s Africa Gender Justice week

    As Solicitor General in the Labour Government, I was able to input into the criminal justice system through my joint role with the Attorney General in having overview and superintendence of the Crown Prosecution Service. The focus of what I will say is on sexual violence since you have had some presentations on domestic violence.…

  • Maiden speech as an MP – July 2001

    Below is a copy of Vera Baird’s maiden speech made in the Houses of Parliament on 9th July 2001. In it you she talks about thoughts on her predecessor Mo Mowlam and Redcar itself. Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker, for calling me to make my maiden speech to the House. We are debating a topic…