Vera Baird DBE KC

Writer, Lecturer, Parliamentary Consultant and Co-Director of Astraea: Gender Justice

Tag: pcc

  • Tory “Summer of Discontent” – We need change NOW!

    The sun has certainly been blazing down – in the world of politics you could be forgiven for thinking this is Theresa May’s “Summer of Discontent” – she lost Boris from the Foreign Office, she lost David from the Brexit Office, her great plan for Brexit that she drew up at Chequers is now nigh…

  • PCC Vera Baird steps into the ring to praise the work of local sports group

    Special guest Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird, was welcomed to Dunston Teams Amateur Boxing Club to see first-hand the excellent work being undertaken by the voluntary sporting group. Since starting in 2012, the club now has 50 members and has become a hub for the local community – providing a place for young…

  • Is this Government Serious about protecting victims?

    Is this Government serious about protecting victims? – Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Vera Baird This week Justice Secretary Chris Grayling MP provided the House of Commons with further information about the Government\’s document \’Our Commitment to Victims\’. In a Written Ministerial Statement Mr Grayling believes the proposed laws will see victims kept informed about…

  • Refuge Provision – At Crisis Point?

    Why should she have to leave her home because of his violence? Because she wants to stay alive is the answer, and she wants her children to stay alive too. The reality is that women experiencing domestic violence \”choose\”, every day, to flee to refuges because they can\’t tolerate anymore the psychological and physical abuse…

  • In response: Yvette Cooper’s speech to the Fabian Conference (28th June 2014)

    Yvette Cooper once again showed us why she will be an effective Home Secretary in 45 weeks time. Speaking at the Fabians Society Conference she delivered a speech which was compassionate, caring and reinforced why we need a Labour Government with Ed Miliband and Yvette leading from the front for a fairer country that speaks…

  • Commissioner takes concerns to Parliament

    Northumbria\’s Police and Crime Commissioner is joining forces with Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner, Tony Lloyd in raising concerns about proposed legislation which they fear could make it easier for bogus taxi drivers to prey on vulnerable people. The proposed Deregulation Bill – aims to free private hire and taxis from red tape. However,…

  • Miliband calls for “proper intervention” into police conduct during the Orgreave miners clash

    Labour Leader, Ed Miliband and Vera Baird – Calling for Answers. From Labourlist – The Guardian has reported today that Miliband has become one of the most senior politicians to call for a “proper investigation” into the confrontation between police and miners at Orgreave – known as the Battle of Orgreave Thirty years after…

  • Huffington Post Article (9th June). Responding to the Director of Public Prosecutions Rape Action Plan.

    Today’s Rape Action Plan from Director of Public Prosecutions, Alison Saunders, is yet another valiant attempt to improve the conviction rate for sexual offences which is, in reality, still held back by out of date rape myths which prevail at court and which remain influential in the police and the Crown Prosecution Service. There was…