Vera Baird DBE KC

Writer, Lecturer, Parliamentary Consultant and Co-Director of Astraea: Gender Justice

Category: Seminar

  • Protecting our Emergency Services

    Northumbria Police and our Fire Services work closely together and have developed great partnership working and I am keen to see this continue. I don\’t believe that the Fire Service should come under the control of Police & Crime Commissioners, but I do believe the government has a duty to ensure all of our emergency…

  • North East PCCs call for debate to reduce alcohol consumption.

      A major conference in Durham today has called for changes in the licensing laws for alcohol. The key outcomes of the conference are expected to form the basis of a debate in Parliament. Over one hundred people from decision-making bodies met with the North East’s three Police and Crime Commissioners at the Durham Centre in Belmont…

  • Address to Commonwealth Journalists’ Association Conference, Malta 2012

    Feb 1st 2012 The Culture, Practice and Ethics of the Press is the title of the Leveson Inquiry, set up to deal with the phone hacking scandal. So let us turn away from press restraint, oppressive laws, the persecution of journalists in the Commonwealth, on which you so proudly campaign, and consider the ethical issues…

  • Vera’s speech at the Fabians New Year Conference 2012

    Vera was delighted to speak at Fabians New Year Conference 14th January 2012In the morning breakout group: Women The Crisis and Politics Vera shared a platform with Polly Toynbee, Seema Malhotra MP and David Coats, Research Fellow of the Smith Institute. “The first point I wish to make is that we discuss the financial crisis…

  • The AAFDA Annual Conference 2012

    Vera spoke at the AAFDA Annual Conference in January 2012. View some local press coverage.

  • Seminar: Judicial Independence, Judicial Accountability and the Media

    September 21st 2011 “Judicial Independence, Judicial Accountability and the Media” was the title of a seminar Vera was pleased to deliver with Lord Collins and the journalist Joshua Rosenberg,  for the University College London Constitution Unit. The discussion was held under Chatham House rules and a summary will be published shortly.

  • National Conference: Understanding the New Guidance on Domestic Homicide Reviews

    Vera spoke at a National Conference in Nottingham on \”Understanding the New Guidance on Domestic Homicide Reviews\”. Here are the slides: Domestic Homicide Reviews-21st Sept. 2011.

  • Feminism in London Conference

    Vera’s address to the seminar on: Feminism in violence against women policy The emergence of a feminist understanding, at first of the hidden crime of domestic violence, impacted hugely on policy on violence against women in the longer run. •    It was essentially the Refuge Movement that first counted the figures and demonstrated that DV…