Vera Baird DBE KC

Writer, Lecturer, Parliamentary Consultant and Co-Director of Astraea: Gender Justice

Category: BLOG

  • Commissioner Baird calls on Home Secretary to take lead from Scottish Government

    Labour MSPs have successfully ensured that the Scottish Government will hold an independent review into the actions of the police during the miners’ strike in Scotland. Dame Vera Baird QC, Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria who was one of the barristers defending northern miners in the Orgreave Trial and who also acted in many…

  • Google and others – need to get it right!

    It’s of great concern that internet providers such as Google are helping users uncover the identity of rape and sexual assault victims – who by law, have their anonymity protected for life. Here in the North East, a case involving footballer, Adam Johnson saw his victim named on social media, (at times assisted by Google…

  • Article for North Tyneside BaNTer. Printed 26th April 2018.

    After months of hard work, delivering election literature and newsletters in all sorts of weather, polling day is nearly here. Across North Tyneside we have outstanding Labour candidates in every ward, putting across a strong message that a Labour council really does make a difference. You only have to look at the regeneration schemes underway,…

  • Have your say, make your voice heard – The 2018 National Rural Crime Survey

    Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Dame Vera Baird QC is urging rural communities to take part in a national survey on rural crime. It is three years since the last National Rural Crime Survey which revealed how rural communities were affected by crime. Here in Northumbria, the police regularly meet residents and businesses who reside…

  • Providing effective policing in Northumbria.

    As Chronicle readers will know, I have been lobbying the government hard over their unfair funding for our police service. Since 2010 Northumbria Police have had to endure cuts imposed on us of over £135 million, this has not been an easy challenge. However, the Chief Constable and I have squeezed every penny out of…

  • Providing excellent value for money.

    Just before Christmas, right up until last week I’ve been working with my team to find out the views of local residents on the amount of council tax to be paid for local policing – the police precept. As you know, the Government announced that Northumbria Police will receive central grant funding of £222.7m in…

  • It’s been a busy year – but the work continues to put Northumbria first.

    Here we are – at the end of 2017, it’s unbelievable how quick the year has gone by! It’s certainly been a busy year with many demands. In a couple of weeks time, I will receive Northumbria’s funding settlement from government to provide policing in our region. As you know, our force has seen the…

  • Northumbria Police praised as ‘Good’ in latest inspection

    A POSITIVE culture with an excellent understanding of the demand for its services and solid financial plans – those are the findings of the latest independent report into Northumbria Police. Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has carried out its annual assessment of how well police forces are managing finances…

  • Cost of meeting rising crime revealed by PCCs

    The cost of meeting the rise in crime whilst investing to stem that rise and protect the public has been revealed. Evidence gathered by PCCs and Police Chiefs shows that £440m extra is required in 2018/19 and £845m in 2019/20, an increase of 1.5% to 2% more than inflation in each year. The Home Office…

  • Lending support to national Anti-Slavery Day today

    The Commissioner, together with police and partners has been working together to tackle this important issue and wants to raise awareness of the scale of the problem that affects areas across the UK, including the north east. Tackling modern day slavery and human trafficking is a high priority for the force and forms part of…