Research Project: Responses to Rape
Questionnaire for Solicitors
Astraea: Gender Justice (Research) is undertaking a small research project on the responses of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority to applications made by survivors / victims of rape.
Because we are aware that solicitors are approached by victims / survivors of rape and/or advertise their services in respect of applications for CICA compensation, it is important that solicitors’ perspectives are included in this study.
Astraea would be extremely grateful for your co-operation in responding to this questionnaire.
To answer questions, please tick the appropriate box.
Where you think it is helpful to elaborate on your answers, please use the gaps between questions or overleaf
We would be grateful if you would like to illustrate your answers with references to cases or clients you have worked with, please do so, but without giving client names or identifying details.
This study will be confidential in that we will not be identifying cases or publishing names of participating solicitors or firms.
Click here to download a copy of the questionnaire. Completed questionnaires should be emailed to