Vera Baird DBE KC

Writer, Lecturer, Parliamentary Consultant and Co-Director of Astraea: Gender Justice

Commissioner joins call to ban controversial US figure

Vera Baird is backing the Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper’s call to prevent a US self-styled ‘dating coach’ from coming to the UK.

Julien Blanc, who has hit the headlines because of his history of inciting violence against women, is due to come to London on November 27 and then again in March and April next year.

His ‘dating seminars’ have suggested men use harassment and abuse tactics to attract women and has been widely criticised for his sexist, racist and criminal approaches to women.

A petition launched earlier this month now has more than 150,000 signatures and is calling on Home Secretary Theresa May to deny him a visa to come to the UK.

Earlier this year Blanc ended an Australian tour early and his visa was cancelled when he left the country.

The Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, who last year launched a joint Violence Against Women and Girls strategy with her fellow north eastern Commissioners, said she was appalled that it was even being considered for Blanc to be allowed into the UK.

“I’m a lifelong campaigner against violence against women and girls and everything he stands for is abhorrent to the values I hold,” the Commissioner said.

“I hope the Home Office takes swift and decisive action to prevent him from entering this country and I am pleased to see so many people have, like me, signed this petition against Blanc’s planned visits.

“Since becoming Commissioner two years ago I’ve worked extensively to prevent sexual and domestic violence which is one of the priorities of my Police and Crime Plan.

“I know the misery and suffering this violence causes in our region and nationwide and the impact it has on people and those around them and how it can ultimately lead to people dying.

“We should not give people a platform for promoting these negative and violent messages.”



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